2022 - 2025

 It is SIVE’s policy to ensure its employees’ rights, which are regulated and derive from national laws and ministerial decisions. SIVE strives for working conditions of respect for the personality and dignity of its employees in the performance of their duties, as well as the freedom of political and philosophical beliefs within the framework defined by the Constitution and current legislation, applying the principle of equal treatment.

For this purpose, SIVE has committed to promote gender equality and the structuring and foreseeing of the implementation of a Gender Equality Plan. An equality plan refers to the comprehensive actions for the promotion of equality within an organization and the prevention of unlawful discrimination.

Gender Equality Plan Main Goals

1. To ensure that genders have equal opportunities when it comes to recruitment and terms of employment

2. To ensure an equal gender distribution at all levels and in different departments

3. To ensure that gender does not affect employees’ wages

4. To ensure that all employees have the same opportunities, rights, and obligations regardless of gender

5. To ensure a healthy work environment, free from gender-based violence, where everyone is treated professionally

6. To ensure a work environment where employees can combine work with family life

Segreteria organizzativa: Vinidea srl
Piazza I° Maggio, 20 - Ponte dell'Olio (PC) - tel. +39 0523 876423 - Fax +39 0523 876340 -
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Gender Equality Plan
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